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Email : bitharvestglobal@gmail.com

About Us

Exclusive and Award Winning BitBooster Technology

Giving you 100 – 300% Mining Acceleration

with an easy and fast all online setup.


The Best Prices
For You

Groundbreaking Technology

The BitHarvest Mining Booster is a piece of technology
that produces your BitCoins with Quantum AI accelerated speed. 

It comes as a durable Solid State drive with a 5 year warranty.

It won the New Tech Award at the 2024 Crypto Expo in Dubai.

Transparent and Licensed

BitHarvest is Crypto Award winning and MSB certified.

All new users are encouraged to validate the Authenticity and trace the Origin of their newly mined BitCoins on the Blockchain.

Streamlined and Efficient

We are providing you a with a groundbreaking, simplified, ecological and economical mining solution, connecting you with the finest global mining farms. Thus saving you time, stress & money. This brand new solution requires neither tech knowledge nor equipment setup on your end.

Just login and start mining.


Logan Lee
CEO of Bitharvest



Frequently Asked Questions

The BitBooster will NOT be shipped to you. One booster does not produce enough TH/s to effect the mining. The boosters get combined to 4200 TH/s in the server room, which you are welcome to visit.

The booster you purchase comes with a serial number. This is connected to your own algorithm and mining results. This number is being used to locate your booster in the server room if you would like a live demonstration of it’s performance.

The login you receive upon your registration contains all live data about your booster and is available 24/7.

The simple 1 minute training videos are available on this website. Please also feel free to use the contact form for specific questions. Withdrawals are possible any time in either Bitcoin or USDT. We recommend a regular withdrawal of your mining earnings and a transfer into your own wallet.

From the time your booster has been paid for it takes up to 24 hours for the mining to start. This mostly depends on your location. From there on it will continue 24/7. Take a few minutes to setup online and start mining by the next day.

One Booster costs 1000USDT, however you can also buy 100USDT shares and get more once you can.


This website does not offer investment or financial advise.

Never invest more into anything than what you are willing to loose.

Do your own research.

Reach out if you have questions.

We know you are powerful, intelligent and sovereign. We will gladly leave you in your responsibility as a free human being.